
For general information about what MCLink is/does, see the home page.

By using this service, you agree to the Terms of Service, Privacy & Cookie Policy, and Disclaimer.

For players

This service is independent of the streamer(s) thus you should only need to do this once!
You only have to link the services you need, no need to make an account on a service you won't use.

  1. Connect to with a Minecraft™ (version 1.10.2 to 1.19.2) client.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Minecraft™ chat.
  3. Authorize us to use your account information by clicking "Log in", "Authorise", "Ok" or similar.
  4. You will get a confirmation in-game when the link went through.
  5. Leave the special linking server.
  6. Join your favorite streamers servers!

For server operators / streamers

If you are a server operator you need to have the streamer follow these instructions and give you the API token.

  1. Follow the instructions for players above. Your accounts must also remain linked!
  2. Get an API token by using /api and saving the result somewhere.
  3. Leave the special linking server.
  4. Install and configure a compatible mod/plugin. Click here for a list and more info.
  5. Invite your players to your server!
  6. Do not enable the build-in 'vanilla' whitelist!

If you need to reset the api key, use /api reset. If you loose the key you can just do /api and get the same code back.

If you represent a community, send me a heads-up. I'd love to know who is using MCLink and what approximate size server they run. (Average player count etc.) I'd love to add a list of communities trusting MCLink somewhere, but I don't really track anyone so I can't find this out on my own.

A tutorial video


Need more help? Join our Discord for community support.

Remove links or re-link an account

You can remove all linking information from your account by using the /removeme command.
If you only want to re-link one account, for example after changing a username, use the /link <NAME> command.
If you have lost access to your Minecraft account and wish to remove all link information, contact us.